Is Your Toddler A Picky Eater? Medical Conditions Parents Need To Be Aware Of

It's quite normal for toddlers to be picky eaters. However, parents of picky eaters should understand that there are conditions that can cause children to be picky eaters. If you are the parent of a toddler who is a picky eater, it's important to have your toddler assessed by a gastroenterology specialist, particularly if your child's picky eating has caused them to lose weight.  Here are four conditions that can cause small children to become picky eaters.

Helpful Tips For A Successful Drug Detox

If you are a drug user, you might have decided that now is the time to make some major changes in your life. The first step toward sobriety is detoxing, which involves getting all of the drugs out of your system. If you have never gone through drug detox before, or if you have and didn't have a great experience with it, then you might be worried and unsure of what to expect.

3 Reasons An Employer May Require Drug Testing

Drug testing is often associated with incidents like DUIs. However, many employers use drug testing to ensure their employees are clean and can provide safe, effective services. Each business runs differently, but there are three main reasons that an employer may decide to drug test you. 1. Upon Hiring If an employer is interested in hiring you for a job, they will require a lot, such as background checks, copies of your driver's license and copies of your social security card.

What You Should Know About Gastroschisis

If you are a parent-to-be and are expecting a baby or recently had a baby, one of the concerns you may have for your child is the possibility that they could have a congenital issue or a birth defect. One such issue is known in medical terms as gastroschisis. Get to know some of the major facts about this birth defect and what can be done about it if your baby is born with it.

Holistic Treatments To Help With Your Parkinson's Disease

If you have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, you may feel lost and confused. After all, this is a serious condition that can seem quite scary and complicated. However, there are many treatments available to help you manage your Parkinson's disease, including some holistic treatment options. Holistic treatments are treatments that take the whole person into account (body, mind, and soul). They are also often called alternative medicine or alternative treatments.