Why Have A Good Doctor Near You?

You may currently have a doctor that isn't very close to your home. You may have already found that this isn't very convenient and if you haven't figured this out yet, then there is a good chance that you will as soon as you run into certain issues. Once you have a clear understanding of why it can be so good to have a good doctor that is actually close to you, it may lead you to want to find one that is nearer to your home.

Identifying Odd Vaginal Odors

Have you ever caught a whiff of something "down there" while you were working out? What about while sitting at the office? Realizing that you might have an abnormal vaginal smell can be embarrassing, even though everybody smells differently. Still, you might be right to have some concerns. Think you have something to worry about? Pay attention to these types of smells. You might be able to stop it. Bacterial Infection

Single Ventricle Defects And Liver Disease Following The Fontan

Children who are born with either just one ventricle or a ventricle that is underdeveloped will have to undergo a type of open heart surgery called the Fontan. What exactly are single ventricle defects and why do those who have the Fontan procedure need to be concerned about liver disease? Single Ventricle Defects One out of every 100 babies is born with a congenital heart defect (CHD), making it the most common birth defect in the United States.

Learn How To Keep Your Child Calm While They Are Waiting To Be Seen After Being Injured

When your child falls and gets a bad cut, it can be hard to keep them calm while you are waiting to be seen at an urgent care center. It is important for you to keep calm and do everything that you can to help your child focus attention on something else so that they have as little anxiety over the situation as possible. The following guide walks you through a few things you can do to make your child's wait to see the doctor as stress-free as it can be.

3 Important Reasons To Have Your Hearing Checked Regularly As An Adult

If you are like a regular adult, you will head to the doctor when you are sick, probably have your vision checked occasionally, and you may even get an annual physical. However, there is one component of health care that often gets disregarded: hearing checkups. Many people associate hearing issues with old age, so they will rarely ever seek a hearing test as a general part of their healthcare plan. yet, having your hearing checked is actually something you should be doing on occasion.