How Should You Treat Hemorrhoids? FAQs About A Hemorrhoidectomy Surgical Procedure

Do you need a hemorrhoidectomy surgical procedure? Hemorrhoids affect nearly one out of every 20 American adults, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). If you're one of the many people who has this uncomfortable issue, take a look at what you need to know about the treatments and your options.

Will Everyone With Hemorrhoids Need Surgery?

Surgery isn't the only treatment option for hemorrhoids. This means some patients with this issue won't need a hemorrhoidectomy. It's possible to treat minor hemorrhoids at home with a topical treatment, oral pain relievers, and sitz baths. 

If these conservative measures don't work or you have severe pain, your doctor may recommend either a minimally invasive procedure or a full surgical treatment. Minimally invasive options include rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy injections, and infrared or laser coagulation. These procedures either cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid or shrink the swollen vein.

Why Would A Doctor Recommend Surgery?

Again, conservative measures won't always work for every patient. Your doctor may recommend a surgical option if you have a large hemorrhoid, constant pain, or severe pain. They may also suggest surgery if conservative measures have already failed or at-home treatments don't fully alleviate the pain, itching, and swelling. 

What Are the Surgical Options?

Like at-home or minimally invasive treatments, surgery isn't a one-size-fits-all option. A closed hemorrhoidectomy is one of the most common types of surgical interventions for this problem. Surgeons use this procedure to treat internal hemorrhoids. A closed hemorrhoidectomy procedure could include a scalpel incision, electrocautery, or laser techniques. After the surgeon excises, or removes, the hemorrhoid, they will close the surgical site with sutures. These stitches are typically absorbable—and you won't need a separate procedure to remove them.

An open hemorrhoidectomy is exactly what the name sounds like. Instead of closing the site with sutures, the surgeon leaves the area open. This technique is useful in areas that are difficult to close with sutures. 

Does A Hemorrhoidectomy Procedure Hurt?

This outpatient procedure is done under anesthesia. The anesthesia allows you to sleep during the surgery, making the treatment painless. You may have some discomfort, surgical site soreness, or irritation after the surgery. Any post-op effects should gradually clear over the first week or two (after the procedure). If you have intense pain after a hemorrhoidectomy or persistent discomfort, contact your surgeon as soon as possible for a consultation. 

For more information on a hemorrhoidectomy surgical procedure, contact a professional near you.
